Projects and Information at this website that may help you understand the emerging energy scene

Please note these articles have come from other websites under energy21/energy 2000 banner that we had placed previously on the internet but were removed by those owners for various reasons
The full resource material of 600 megs on CD with subject titles typically as shown at this web site are now only available on our CD offer click the link below for details.


The Adams Active Thermo Electric High Voltage Pulsed DC Permanent Magnet Switched Reluctance Electric Motor
The flasher simple Experiment to demonstrate power from the environment
tate ambient power module
This patent could contain clues as to how we could produce hydrogen to power our motor vechicles from water
A simple homemade Van de Graaff generator
replacement diesel engine fuel made cooking oil or fat
Capacitor electric Charger power from the air
Xogens Patent on an Apparatus for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Make your own orgone cloudbuster
The Free Energy Machines of Captain Hans Coler part 2
Conversion Tables and Formulas you may find useful
Homebrew Plastic cup capacitors
Water cleaner Scrubber for drinking water
Earth batteries power directly from the earth
Making a free energy Electret
ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM experiments you can do for yourself
Some improvements in construction of homebrew electromagnets and inductors
Articles on Electrostatics from those that actually made the discoveries
How to Build an Efficient Alternative Energy Device
A permanent magnet, pulsed DC electromagnet motor
Homebrew Polystyrene drinking cup capacitors
Our Free Energy and non conventional energy technology CD
Photographs of Edwin Gray Pulse motor
Efficient Power Supply Suitable For Inductive Loads gray motor design
Efficient Power Supply Suitable For Inductive Loads gray motor design part 2
The Hamster cage magnetic motor
The inventions of captain hans coler
The Humphrey gas operated water pump at Barmera South Australia
Hydro-boost made from water for your car and increase your fuel mileage
The Interference disk electric disk generator by Alan L Francoeur
The Interference disk electric disk generator by Alan L Francoeur part 2
A rotary high voltage ion voltage motor powered from your television screen
Joe Flynns Parallel Path Magnetic Technology
Homebrew Wind generator using a magnetite cores
Marx Generators
Micro wind power with a Savonius rotor
Minato Kohei Magnetic rotating apparatus
Odering information for non conventional energy technology cd
Charles Flynn Parallel magnetic Path Technology
The Puharich papers on electrolysis
The Puharich papers on electrolysis
Make This Radio Motor powered using only radio waves
The Rodin Coil and some description of what its about
A homemade water pumping Savonius wind turbine
The Worlds best Spark Plug that no one wants to manufacture
How to construct a tornado generator
Unique Crystal Radio
The Wood fired Gas Producer for powering older model cars and trucks part 1 The Wood fired Gas Producer for powering older model cars and trucks pat 2 Zip cord radio for improved radio and tv reception
Energy 21 website at Freeservers
This websites first page

Download a free shareware copy of our Experiments in non conventional energy by joining one of our mail groups groups below from the files page and in the folder experiments section

Our new Energy 2000 newsgroup home page
Our new Energy 2000 general newsgroup home page
Our new Energy 2000 actual inventions newsgroup home page
Our CD buyers and supporters only group

Other Websites we have on the net

Energy 21 website hosted by freeservers
energy 2000 website hosted by angelfire
energy 2000 website hosted by tripod .com
Free Energy 2000 website hosted by fortunecity

Our experiments in non conventional energy shareware edition now on the net but for a limited time>

Hosted at hotkey Please note these url links may not remain on the net for a long period it all depends on my ppp server provider
Links to articles on our now online shareware package experiments with non conventional energy

How to Build an Acid/Alkaline water charger
The Adams Motor - Tim Harwood's Guide.
Some Notes about three-phase rectification
Archie_ Blue's Electrolytic Cell Patent
The Bennet doubler
Xogens Patent on an Apparatus for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Make your own orgone cloudbuster
coler magnetromapparata stromerzeuger
Pharaohs Concrete a stronger and superior cement the secret rediscovered
Joe Flynns Parallel Path Magnetic Technology
Homebrew Polystyrene drinking cup capacitors
Experiments with non conventional energy technologies CD
Avramenko's Free Electrons Pump v1.0 by Jean-Louis Naudin
Gary Magnetic Motor
producing a high voltage spike and an adjustable high voltage power supply
Front page Experiments in non conventional energy technology shareware
A rotary high voltage ion voltage motor powered from your television screen
The Jackson Chemical Hydrogen Generator
Ultimate free and alternative energy website url and article collection
magnetic experiements
Simple Experiment to demonstrate power from the environment
ordering information for our new CD compilation
65 ways to save electricity
The worlds simplest electric motor
The Graham Snook hydrogen/oxygen generator
Nuclear decay laser and disposal method

Mirror this website hosted at fortunecity

The Adams Active Thermo Electric High Voltage Pulsed DC Permanent Magnet Switched Reluctance Electric Motor
The flasher simple Experiment to demonstrate power from the environment
tate ambient power module
This patent could contain clues as to how we could produce hydrogen to power our motor vechicles from water
A simple homemade Van de Graaff generator
replacement diesel engine fuel made cooking oil or fat
Capacitor electric Charger power from the air
Xogens Patent on an Apparatus for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Make your own orgone cloudbuster
The Free Energy Machines of Captain Hans Coler part 2
Conversion Tables and Formulas you may find useful
Homebrew Plastic cup capacitors
Water cleaner Scrubber for drinking water
Earth batteries power directly from the earth
Making a free energy Electret
ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM experiments you can do for yourself
Some improvements in construction of homebrew electromagnets and inductors
Articles on Electrostatics from those that actually made the discoveries
How to Build an Efficient Alternative Energy Device
A permanent magnet, pulsed DC electromagnet motor
Homebrew Polystyrene drinking cup capacitors
Our Free Energy and non conventional energy technology CD
Photographs of Edwin Gray Pulse motor
Efficient Power Supply Suitable For Inductive Loads gray motor design
Efficient Power Supply Suitable For Inductive Loads gray motor design part 2
The Hamster cage magnetic motor
The inventions of captain hans coler
The Humphrey gas operated water pump at Barmera South Australia
Hydro-boost made from water for your car and increase your fuel mileage
The Interference disk electric disk generator by Alan L Francoeur
The Interference disk electric disk generator by Alan L Francoeur part 2
A rotary high voltage ion voltage motor powered from your television screen
Joe Flynns Parallel Path Magnetic Technology
Homebrew Wind generator using a magnetite cores
Marx Generators
Micro wind power with a Savonius rotor
Minato Kohei Magnetic rotating apparatus
Odering information for non conventional energy technology cd
Charles Flynn Parallel magnetic Path Technology
The Puharich papers on electrolysis
The Puharich papers on electrolysis
Make This Radio Motor powered using only radio waves
The Rodin Coil and some description of what its about
A homemade water pumping Savonius wind turbine
The Worlds best Spark Plug that no one wants to manufacture
How to construct a tornado generator
Unique Crystal Radio
The Wood fired Gas Producer for powering older model cars and trucks part 1 The Wood fired Gas Producer for powering older model cars and trucks pat 2 Zip cord radio for improved radio and tv reception

free energy site hosted at tripod

The Adams Active Thermo Electric High Voltage Pulsed DC Permanent Magnet Switched Reluctance Electric Motor
The flasher simple Experiment to demonstrate power from the environment
tate ambient power module
This patent could contain clues as to how we could produce hydrogen to power our motor vechicles from water
A simple homemade Van de Graaff generator
replacement diesel engine fuel made cooking oil or fat
Capacitor electric Charger power from the air
Xogens Patent on an Apparatus for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Make your own orgone cloudbuster
The Free Energy Machines of Captain Hans Coler part 2
Conversion Tables and Formulas you may find useful
Homebrew Plastic cup capacitors
Water cleaner Scrubber for drinking water
Earth batteries power directly from the earth
Making a free energy Electret
ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM experiments you can do for yourself
Some improvements in construction of homebrew electromagnets and inductors
Articles on Electrostatics from those that actually made the discoveries
How to Build an Efficient Alternative Energy Device
A permanent magnet, pulsed DC electromagnet motor
Homebrew Polystyrene drinking cup capacitors
Our Free Energy and non conventional energy technology CD
Photographs of Edwin Gray Pulse motor
Efficient Power Supply Suitable For Inductive Loads gray motor design
Efficient Power Supply Suitable For Inductive Loads gray motor design part 2
The Hamster cage magnetic motor
The inventions of captain hans coler
The Humphrey gas operated water pump at Barmera South Australia
Hydro-boost made from water for your car and increase your fuel mileage
The Interference disk electric disk generator by Alan L Francoeur
The Interference disk electric disk generator by Alan L Francoeur part 2
A rotary high voltage ion voltage motor powered from your television screen
Joe Flynns Parallel Path Magnetic Technology
Homebrew Wind generator using a magnetite cores
Marx Generators
Micro wind power with a Savonius rotor
Minato Kohei Magnetic rotating apparatus
Odering information for non conventional energy technology cd
Charles Flynn Parallel magnetic Path Technology
The Puharich papers on electrolysis
The Puharich papers on electrolysis
Make This Radio Motor powered using only radio waves
The Rodin Coil and some description of what its about
A homemade water pumping Savonius wind turbine
The Worlds best Spark Plug that no one wants to manufacture
How to construct a tornado generator
Unique Crystal Radio
The Wood fired Gas Producer for powering older model cars and trucks part 1
The Wood fired Gas Producer for powering older model cars and trucks pat 2
Zip cord radio for improved radio and tv reception Search made Simple

Mirror of this site at angelfire

The Adams Active Thermo Electric High Voltage Pulsed DC Permanent Magnet Switched Reluctance Electric Motor
The flasher simple Experiment to demonstrate power from the environment
tate ambient power module
This patent could contain clues as to how we could produce hydrogen to power our motor vechicles from water
A simple homemade Van de Graaff generator
replacement diesel engine fuel made cooking oil or fat
Capacitor electric Charger power from the air
Xogens Patent on an Apparatus for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Make your own orgone cloudbuster
The Free Energy Machines of Captain Hans Coler part 2
Conversion Tables and Formulas you may find useful
Homebrew Plastic cup capacitors
Water cleaner Scrubber for drinking water
Earth batteries power directly from the earth
Making a free energy Electret
ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM experiments you can do for yourself
Some improvements in construction of homebrew electromagnets and inductors
Articles on Electrostatics from those that actually made the discoveries
How to Build an Efficient Alternative Energy Device
A permanent magnet, pulsed DC electromagnet motor
Homebrew Polystyrene drinking cup capacitors
Our Free Energy and non conventional energy technology CD
Photographs of Edwin Gray Pulse motor
Efficient Power Supply Suitable For Inductive Loads gray motor design
Efficient Power Supply Suitable For Inductive Loads gray motor design part 2
The Hamster cage magnetic motor
The inventions of captain hans coler
The Humphrey gas operated water pump at Barmera South Australia
Hydro-boost made from water for your car and increase your fuel mileage
The Interference disk electric disk generator by Alan L Francoeur
The Interference disk electric disk generator by Alan L Francoeur part 2
A rotary high voltage ion voltage motor powered from your television screen
Joe Flynns Parallel Path Magnetic Technology
Homebrew Wind generator using a magnetite cores
Marx Generators
Micro wind power with a Savonius rotor
Minato Kohei Magnetic rotating apparatus
Odering information for non conventional energy technology cd
Charles Flynn Parallel magnetic Path Technology
The Puharich papers on electrolysis
The Puharich papers on electrolysis
Make This Radio Motor powered using only radio waves
The Rodin Coil and some description of what its about
A homemade water pumping Savonius wind turbine
The Worlds best Spark Plug that no one wants to manufacture
How to construct a tornado generator
Unique Crystal Radio
The Wood fired Gas Producer for powering older model cars and trucks part 1
The Wood fired Gas Producer for powering older model cars and trucks pat 2
Zip cord radio for improved radio and tv reception

Subjects hosted at portland An important message from the web page owner

A 1961 Electrostatic generator patent

mag gen generating the future

some conversion tables and values you may find useful

The Kronzen pulsed motor

Building A Water Scrubber for clean water.

Some notes on three phase automobile alternators

Solar cooker that cooks food using the sun

Fuel source using high current arc water and carbon rods

Simple battery charger using power from the air costs about $10

History of the coanda effect

A simple antenna for radio and tv reception

Running your diesel engine on vegetable oil

Getting electricity from mother earth to charge batteriess

Some improvements in the construction of electromagnets

Original articles from the pioneers on electrostatics

Electricity,elctrostatics science fair type experiements

A flat panel solar cell you can make in your kitchen

Kronzen electric pulse motor

Capacitive discharge motor

Global environmental energy Technology GEET

Build your own four foot tornado generator

The Genesis Project

Cook hotdogs with the sun in minutes

An easy to build and operate induction generator

Anmazing little epsilon a scale model pyramid that works

Lord Kelvin water drop electrostatic generator

A simple solar water heater using a soda can

A way to make your light bulds last longer

All links to our other websites

New type electrostatic generator U.S. patent Spanish design

Photo flash that runs from static electric in the air

Running your car on Zero Point / orgone enrgy

The Geet Free energy plans for free

Make a small electric motor powered by radio waves

A magnetic rectifier based on Nikola Tesla deign

Rogers underground radio recption aerial

Micro wind electric power with a savonius rotor

Making a solar heat hot water absorber

making s solar cell in your kitchen

The swiss ml testakica free energy machine

Making a simple electrostatic generator

The CD encyclopedia of free energy

The C Wanlass energy conservation electric motor

Portable light plants and generators

Wimhurst electrostatic machine and how to build one

energy 21 Y2K and beyond 2000 SuperCarb Text
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 1
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 2
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 3
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 4
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 5
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 6
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 7
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 8
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 9
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 10
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 11
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 12
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 13
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 14
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 15
Guide to the Joe cell /orgone cell chapter 16
Energy 21 SuperCarb Text
Pharaoh's Pump by Edward J. Kunkel
energy 21 Christianity and Carburetors Y2K and beyond 2000
Frequently Asked Questions
energy 21 HIMAC - Email Feedback
My contact with flying saucers chaper 1
My contact with flying saucers chaper 2
My contact with flying saucers chaper 3
My contact with flying saucers chaper 4
My contact with flying saucers chaper 5
My contact with flying saucers chaper 6
My contact with flying saucers chaper 7
My contact with flying saucers chaper 8
My contact with flying saucers chaper 9
My contact with flying saucers chaper 10
My contact with flying saucers chaper 11
My contact with flying saucers chaper 12
The green windmill
HIMAC Research - Home of the super-high mileage carburetor system
energy 21 History/List Of Vapor Carburetors
energy 21
The Joe cell Device an explanation
energy 21 An Open Letter from Bruce McBurney
energy 21 A New Article on the Pogue Carburetor
energy 21 A New Article on the Pogue Carburetor
energy21 free energy second page Y2K and beyond 2000
energy21 free energy website
energy 21 Paul Pantone and Other Links
energy 21 Pogue Carburetor
Pharaoh's Pump by Edward J. Kunkel
energy 21 The Secret High Mileage Answer
SuperCarb Text
swiss Testakica free energy device
energy 21 The Tom Ogle Story
Viktor Schauberger and his Free energy inventions

The complete word List part 4

Start letter A-F
Start letter G-J
Start letter K-R
Start Letter S-Z